Senin, 09 Januari 2012

essay of homosexuality

When we are in a slump of plunged into misery of homosexual love (same-sex), the hearts will be nervous and asking: whose fault is this? The interrogative sentence is an expression of question you want to know who the hell it is. So from that often make one skeptic and discriminated against until they have to stand up to find the remedy from the downturn it. Homosexuality is a psychological disease that needs great attention from family, society, and government to help the patients to cope with it.
One of the most serious effects of homosexuality is impact on health. It will conducive disease if someone who has sex with the man to man or woman to woman. Physically, homosexual is not physical disease. The estimation of health to homosexuality present sex deviation which will cause the disease comes into body. As this happens, it not only will change the entire personal paradigm as indication of growth deformity or spiritual and moral failings. But also will be known as deformity of mental caused to be isolated and discriminated.
Furthermore, concept of health psychology explained that homosexuality is a normal aspect to orientation of human sexuality. Homosexual is not psychological disease and a source of negative psychological effects. Prejudice and discrimination against homosexual people has been shown to cause psychological harm. On the contrary, Adler and Freud clarify that homosexuality is a psychological disease. In this case is true with the reason that homosexuality is stigmatized and this stigma can have a variety of negative consequences throughout the life span.
Another serious effect of homosexuality is in social life. It will influence the homosexual orientation. Because a homosexual orientation is complex and multi-dimensional, there are two categorizes causes someone changes his self to be homosexual. The first is gender identity. It is a homosexual orientation that usually understood it to be intrinsically linked to the subject’s own sex. For instance, it is though that a typical female person who is attracted to female person will have masculine attribute, and vice versa. An individual may be attracted to men, woman and both, although the prevalence of different sexual orientation is quite different. In addition, gender identity can be started from sexual desire begins when still child focused on human around it. As a consequence, an individual inclined to be attracted to the same-sex or different depending on condition around it. The second is social construct. Every sexual orientation will be a phenomenon. Because of homosexual orientation is complex and multi-dimensional that homosexual is a historical and social construction. Nevertheless, in 1976 the historian argued that homosexuality as an identity did not exist. But in other words, there is a sodomy term. This term was a sexuality crime that was often ignored and sometime punished severely. Homosexual term is often used in European and American cultures to encompass someone of his social identity which comprises himself and his personal. Therefore the term of homosexuality can be called that only a social construction of modern western. However in this case is not used to context of sexuality.
Psychology is one of the first disciplines to study a homosexual orientation as a discrete phenomenon. Based on the psychological science that one of the influences of homosexual orientation is congenital inversion. Many have believed that homosexual orientation is congenital inversion and permanently, although someone has a long life to develop his homosexual orientation. Even though it is difficult to avoid, because it has the basic homosexual orientation since born. Nevertheless this case doesn’t seem but it was influenced by the factor which is called genetic factor. Genetic factor is developing psychological disease since congenital. This factor is likely cannot be changed, except with consciousness and the great willing.
From the cause factor of homosexuality, it can be counted that we don’t blame the children undivided. Because the genetic is original from parents. This genetic factors are combinations of father and mother’s DNA which happened an accident forming. Therefore neither chromosome X nor chromosomes Y were formed but chromosome XY. When a baby still in the pregnant, he likes an empty memory to record who feels from his parents. He of course has psyches to his mother not from another people. Then the data came from life experience whose processed through software sexuality to circuit identity. Basically of the research that the measure of hypothesis gland of homosexual is 1/3 from a normal person.
Scientist and organization have been making effort to stop sexual orientation to homosexuality. Homosexuality orientation as incident which is luster in social society, for instance in celebrity, intellectual, and in the general society. Consequently it gives effect to society itself. Then the role of many circles are required to decrease the psychological disease.
There are the circles required to decrease the psychological disease. The first is family. Family has an important role as base from their generation which is built early on. Family is potentially to his character development indeed psychological of homosexuality. At the side of that also as impeller and to motivate them so that they do not plunge into misery to the darkness.
For the last someday there is criminal information that confiscation many times of the public news. The news congregated a mutilation of human corpse in many places. And then after stimulated by the tranquility side turn out to be victim is someone initial A (9 years old) and someone initial B (49 years old) as the agent of the embellishment. From the investigation can be known that the agent is homosexual. Moreover B is known as congenital inversion sexuality, pedophile and necrophilia. He was called homosexual from his birth which is cannot be erection to woman.
Therefore this is the first role of parents to full attention to their generation. So that they do not plunge into misery to homosexuality. Parents have to keep their deed because automatically they will do what parents to do. Afterwards they have to give the more consideration because their personal will be giving effect to their generation.
In addition to the family fact, also gives influences personal of children inclined to homosexual. Because many family subjected their children were unavailable appropriate to sex their children. For instance the character of their children was changed inappropriate to their privates. So that they will bring their character from child until their mature.
The second circle is society. Almost of society do not care about. They considered that homosexuality deviates from the real norm. Whereas critics or embattle them are not finishing the problem but added-problem for them. Essentially they are difficult to get loose from bond of same-sex love because it is hard to leave. Society should be giving approach besides giving encouragement. Nevertheless they do not follow their carnal desire to become normally. Occasionally the society mocked and called their names not suitable to their character so that commonly they get compression and depreciation. However they changed their character according to what they won’t.
The third is government. Government also influences of how to decrease of talking homosexuality in the general public. It is responsible to make ordinance. Nevertheless it is not at moment’s notice give punished to them. It should be approaching and giving illumination to society about what and how the factors or effects of the sex deviation. Of course they will be conscious step by step through for the long process. On the other hand, because of the effect in many circle cause they are hidden and depressed. One of the significant factors of how to get them hold out and forget their deviate moment is giving them spirit of life to the best way of life.
Furthermore, another ways effort to decrease the homosexual orientation disease are promoting the fluidity of orientation and promoting awareness. There are the effective functions to promote how to change sexual orientation. Although it is difficult to change it, but it will be better if effort to find out the best solution.
To promote the fluidity sexuality orientation is effort to endure of someone’s desire to do sex deviation. Unbelievable that every influences of sexuality will bring the bad impact whatever of the sexual kinds. In a research proposed that the female subjects became sexually aroused when they viewed heterosexual as well as lesbian erotic films. Among the male subjects, however the straight men were turned on only by erotic films with woman, the gay ones by those with men. It evidenced that sexual desire of woman is more flexible to man and woman whereas to compare with man, it is easier to change every time.
There are two ways to reduce fluidity of homosexual orientation. The first is reduction of erotic film. For you don’t make yourself to watch erotic film, you will keep away from sex deviation. Erotic films can influence the human nervous system for watching continually. Furthermore, it will be addicted and it is absolutely to repeat again. The irresistible for enduring sex desire will be satisfied lust to something wrong. If only to do once, it will fight to do once more again. The ways to decrease for watching erotic films can be done with do not buy porn film, browsing sex website in the internet, and avoid for asking your friends to watch blue film. As a result, it will decrease sex deviation happened like homosexuality.
The second is avoiding the same-sex attraction. Same-sex attraction is everything do it together. As a case study, a woman told about social conditioning which made it impossible to have a truly healthy sexual relationship with a man. And so sex is better with woman physically and emotionally, stations she preferred the symmetries of power and aesthetic between women. Another woman proposed that they like girls better. They are more tender and loving. And they reported that it was easier for her to give herself emotionally to a woman. One understanding of the case study sex with woman is not an exchange or services and not focused on orgasm but more concern for pleasure. It begins from same-sex attraction. For example bedmate for sleeping, take a bath together, seeing vital each other and still many happens for beginning same-sex attraction. However the ways to avoid the same-sex attraction are avoiding roommate together (may roommate together but avoid bedmate for sleeping on same-sex), avoiding to touch body sensitive each other in the same-sex attraction and avoiding your friends if begins to do strange.
Promoting awareness should be a way to decrease the homosexual orientation disease. There are no studies of adequate scientific rigor to conclude whether recent sexual orientation change effort do work to change a person’s sexual orientation. Those efforts has been controversial due to tensions between the values held by some faith-based organizations and those held by lesbian, gay and bisexual right organization and scientific organization.
Moreover, homosexuality is psychological disease but it is not at once to punish and gives punishment to the agent or sufferers. To punish someone who suffers a homosexuality is not the best solution but it is only discriminated that cause stress to sufferers. This case will not decrease homosexual orientation although just little. Still the effect will influence the homosexual development in society. In fact, because of refusal happen on their family or parenting caused to push them for making community and still have government license. For example “miss waria”. This activity is enough getting appreciation from province class until national and international competition. Of course this activity is good because it gives new information or knowledge. But it is not related with the human nature. In other words, it makes conflicts in social society. On the contrary, it is also not giving a freedom to do it. It should be there a good solution to free from trick the homosexual orientation. There are two offers which is significant in the role of sexual orientation to decrease the psychological disease of homosexuality orientation are advertisement and controlled by parenting.
Advertisement is one of the promoting awareness. It proposes to make publication that homosexual is psychological disease. It is need awareness to sufferers, yet it does not propose to frighten but it is only effort how to make sufferers to be positive thinking. In spite of this, advertisement is also proposed to be provocative among the same sufferer of homosexuality to remember it each other. As a result, they ask to get truly way and not the cursed way. Advertisement can be applied in media audio-visual for example television, internet, and put in billboard in general places which is easier reached by human.
Another promoting awareness can be done by controlled by parenting. From the cause of homosexual factor can be seen that environment factor becomes the greatest. Nowadays parents hold the important share to consider gender of their children when they are born in this world. If parents will have a man baby, but a woman baby was born. So she will be more dominant behavior like a man. If her parents didn’t give full attention accidentally can be homosexual or love same-sex.
However, homosexual is a controversial problem which is not unlimited. At the moment, parents should be not arguing their children sex. Whatever your children you have are man, woman, or lover same sex. That all of the depositions come from the god should be received. Kinds of sex are god problem. So when they are born, they have to be educated relation to their sex.
In conclusion, homosexuality is psychological disease that needs great attention. it can change someone’s sexual orientation who tries is. However a homosexual will be addicted when tries to do sex attraction in same-sex. The efforts to reduce the psychological disease are reductions of erotic film, avoiding same-sex attraction, advertisement, and controlled by parenting. These strategies reduce the homosexual orientation. Every problem has solution, every disease has medicine but prevention is better than everything.

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