Research methodology
Title : A Comparative Study of how to Use Intonation of Buginess and English
of The Fourth Semester English Literature Department Alauddin State
Islamic University of Makassar
Kind of the research : The kind of the research was used quantitatif.
Subject of the research : The subject of this research are students of the fourth semester of
English literature department.
Objective of the research : This research was comparing to study how to use intonation of
Buginess and English of the fourth semester English Literature
Place of the research : The place of this research is in English Literature Department
Adab Faculty Alauddin State Islaic University Makassar.
Problem statement : In relation to the title of this research, the writer formulates some
Research questions as follows.
1. How to use intonation of Buginess and English of the fourth semester english literature department Adab faculty Alauddin state islamic university?
2. Is there a significant comparative between intonation of buginess and english of the fourth semester english literature department adab faculty Alauddin state islamic university Makassar?
Hypotesis : 1. There are many ways how to use intonation of buginess and english of the fourth semester adab faculty Alauddin state islamic University makassar.
2. There is a significant comparative study between how to use intonation of buginess and english of the fourth semester english lierature department adab faculty Alauddin state Islamic University Makassar.
The scope of the research : This research is focused on the comparative between how to use
Intonation of buginess and english of the fourth semester adab faculty
Alauddin state islamic University makassar
Research methodology : The method used was comparative research. It seeked for comparing
How to use intonation of buginess and english of the fourth semester
English literature department alauddin state islamic university of
Design of the research : intonation--------------))) buginess ----------english
Variable of the research : This research has two variable which is consist of a comparative
Between how to use buginess and english of the fourth semester
English literature department adab faculty alauddin state islamic
University makassar.
Population of the research : The population of the research consisted of the fourth students of
English literature department adab faculty alauddin state islamic
University of makassar.
Target of population : The intonation of buginess and english were taken is that they had
Different and similarity when the students of the fourth semester
English literature department spoke using the intonation.
The sample of the research : The sample consisted of the totally 85 students 1% wrong level totally
75 students.
Sampling method : In this research, the writer used total sampling. Because there are four
Groups in this semester. It makes our research will be accurate.
Instrument of the research : In this research, the writer utilized two kinds of instrument namely
interview structurely and questionnaire.
Procedure of collecting data : The writer used the statistic descriptive.
Technique of data analysis : To analys the data the writer used ordinal form which is using
Sign test and wilcoxon matched pairs.
Purpose the research : To determine the differences and the similarity between how to use
Intonation of the fourth semester English literature department adab
Adab faculty alauddin state islamic university of makassar.
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