Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012



A.     Background
Lack of knowledge is one of problems concerned about foreign language in use. The layman is difficult to receive the terms which cannot be understood. In other words, the using language is difficult to understand. In this case, it shows that lack of knowledge can be illustrated from someone’s capability understanding in using language.
Afterwards, the level of regard to pay attention in using foreign language in society is also missing. In this case, can be illustrated from lack of proclivity everyone to study in language. Language is only as community priority. So sometimes there are misapprehensions.
The most of people was ever in misinterpreting something. Misinterpretation exactly had been around by educator. Error in misinterpretation is happened when using words or ambiguous sentences. In this case, it is not understood by the layman. For example in using sentences in foreign language which is sometimes make a mistaken. Whereas using of foreign language is glowing to use in multiple place. For instance slogan, instance, market and so on.
All of the problem which has expressed above can be caused by two cases. The first is foreign language as a western issue. This issue had spread in central society. Indeed all of the society in the village. Foreign language as western issue can be demonstrated by many people. They used foreign language as the impressive language although is not suitable with grammatical in use. For example using of foreign language in the slogan to convoy in demonstrates their aspiration.
The second is foreign language as an interested language. An interesting someone to use foreign language can be proved by how do someone use code-mixing between the first language and the second language. So what they mention through orally and writing becomes contradiction to society itself.
In addition, Indonesia is one of the biggest Democratic Party. It is pointed that glowing of political party arises in many situates. It can cause wrongness. It is not show as a good language. Slogan is familiar to convoy the conspiracy. So the politicians acquire a gold chance to aspirate their recommend to write the motto or symbol as they believe in their community.
Misinterpretation happened by three things. The first knows only just one language.  They only know just one language. So it is difficult to understand the new languages that come in their mind. Basically, many people just used one language because they are rarely to find out someone to communicate. Whereas they are need the new information about language.
The second is creating misunderstanding. Communication can make someone happy if they can keep their statement.  In this case, misunderstanding was often come about by someone who has made mistaken in language use. It showed that people difficult to receive foreign language as the symbol of political party. In fact, many people just using in utterance but don’t know the real meaning of the language.
The third is unconfident to use official language. Official language is the agreement of many people to use language at the country. The language user in political party is not confident to use their official language. They used multiple language to convoy their conspiracy. Indeed the language sometime is not suitable with the context.
Finally in this research, the writer gives some solutions can minimize about some of problems above. The politicians need to use official language. The society is more believe if the politicians use official language to indicate that it is own language. Afterwards, it gives a pride of nationalism. And then the politicians need to use convoy their conspiracy orally. It showed that many people consider the using language by doing than just writing about foreign language in the slogan which is an ambiguous meaning.
B.     Problem statement
·         Why many of politicians used foreign language to convoy in their conspiracy?
·         What is the motivation of politicians in using “Don’t Stop Komandan” in their conspiracy?